IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms (HALG) Conference
Der Event IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms (HALG) Conference findet von 04.06.2025 - 06.06.2025 in Zürich, statt. Diese Veranstaltung wird Ihnen präsentiert von Guidle. Der Eventkalender Schweiz zeigt Ihnen untenstehend die weiteren Informationen über die Veranstaltung IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms (HALG) Conference. Dieser Event ist gelistet in der Eventkategorie Schule, Weiterbildung, Seminar.
Event-Details & Location
The IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms conferences (HALG) is a series of annual events designed to be a forum for presenting the highlights of recent developments in algorithms and for discussing potential further advances in this area. Established in 2016 by IGAFIT, the conferences aim to provide a broad picture of the latest research in algorithms through a series of invited talks, as well as possibility for all researchers and students to present their recent results through a series of short talks and poster presentations. Attending the IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms conference is also an opportunity for networking and meeting leading researchers in algorithms.
HALG started in 2016 in Paris, and in 2025, in Zürich, we will have tenth conferences in the series.
Format: There will be no conference proceedings. As a result, presenting work already published at a different venue or journal (or to be submitted there) is welcome. The format of the event will reflect the character of (very successful) conferences in other fields, e.g., mathematics or physics, and also a recent Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata conference.
The conference's mission is to promote research on algorithmic foundations and foster a community in Europe. It was initiated as part of a broader effort in this direction by the Interest Group on Algorithmic Foundations of Information Technology (IGAFIT).
HALG adopts the recommendations of the SafeTOC report to combat harassment and discrimination in the Theory of Computing community.
Eventkalender Schweiz zeigt Ihnen die Informationen über diesen Event IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms (HALG) Conference und weitere Veranstaltungen aus über 18 verschiedenen Eventkategorien an. In der Eventkategorie Schule, Weiterbildung, Seminar sind aktuell 352 Events gelistet, welche eine gesamte Laufdauer von 7'494 Veranstaltungstagen aufweisen.
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