Innovation & Mapping Festival

Der Event Innovation & Mapping Festival findet am 14.03.2025 in Zürich, Switzerland Tourism statt. Diese Veranstaltung wird Ihnen präsentiert von Guidle. Der Eventkalender Schweiz zeigt Ihnen untenstehend die weiteren Informationen über die Veranstaltung Innovation & Mapping Festival. Dieser Event ist gelistet in der Eventkategorie Openair, Festival.

Innovation & Mapping Festival

Event-Details & Location

09:00 Uhr
Zürich, Switzerland Tourism
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Innovation and Mapping Festival is one-day event organised to foster innovation and collaboration in tourism. The festival adopts a dynamic hackathon-style format, featuring numerous industry challenges focused on addressing real-world needs in the tourism sector.

The exemplary challenges were prepared by tourism and IT companies and organisations, they provide an early look at the real-world tourism issues, these are:

1. Map APP: shape the digital travel companion of tomorrow.

2. Unlocking Autumn: realize the vision of four-season tourism with the help of data.

3. AI supported tag search: develop an intelligent search algorithm and shape the future of search.

4. Door2Track Planner: locate unstructured data on a map and help improve the user experience

5. Future Mobility for Tourism Destinations: accessible, sustainable, and smartly connected

6. Managing Visitor Flows: attractive solutions for travelling outside peak times

7. AI for Accessibility: automation of building assessments to increase transparency for people with disabilities

Detailed information about challenges can be found on the website:

Participants will work in interdisciplinary teams to develop creative, practical solutions. The festival is open for all, it brings together tourism professionals, students, IT service providers and others interested in digitalisation in tourism. There is no requirement to have special skills (such as programming).

The main event will be followed by online challenge pitch (4th February 2025, 1t 17:00), when participants can understand challenges better, ask first questions and be inspired to look for potential solutions.

The event is free of charge. Registration is obligatory. Please register here:

The Innovation & Mapping Festival is a part of Resilient Tourism Project (

The event is organised jointly by the Institute of Tourism and Mobility, Destination.Lab and hosted at Switzerland Tourism headquarters in Zürich.

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Guidle AG
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Eventkalender Schweiz zeigt Ihnen die Informationen über diesen Event Innovation & Mapping Festival und weitere Veranstaltungen aus über 18 verschiedenen Eventkategorien an. In der Eventkategorie Openair, Festival sind aktuell 95 Events gelistet, welche eine gesamte Laufdauer von 226 Veranstaltungstagen aufweisen.

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Der Event Innovation & Mapping Festival findet am 14. März 2025 statt. Dieser Veranstaltungstag ist ein Freitag. An diesem Freitag sind noch weitere 398 Events gelistet. Klicken Sie hier für die Event-Liste 14.03.2025.


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